Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Bangladesh India Border

Benapole-Petropole border.

This is the busiest border between these 2 countries. If you want to go Kolkata, this border is perfect. You will find many buses to Benapole which takes more or less 6-7 hours. Crossing the border you will find Bus/minibus/Shared jeep to reach Kolkata which will take around 3 hours.

Burimari-Chengrabandha border.

If you want to go Darjeeling Shiliguri/Nepal/Bhutan, this border is perfect. You will find some buses from Gabtoli bus stand (Dhaka) which takes around 10-12 hours to reach Burimari. After crossing the border, you will find many jeeps to go Shiliguri (83 Kilometer) & then to Darjeeling (80 Kilometer from Shiliguri) /Nepal border/Bhutan Border.

Tomabil-Dauki border.

This border is perfect to go Shillong/Asam/Cherapunji on India. First you have to go Sylhet by bus/train. From Sylhet you have to go the Tomabil by bus (2.5 hours journey). Crossing the border, you will find shared jeep/bus to Shiliguri.

From this border, you can go to a samll city Agartola and then to other cities.

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