Saturday, August 3, 2019

How can I tell if a mobile number belongs to STC, Mobily or Zain in Saudi Arabia?

Q: How can I tell if a mobile number belongs to STC, Mobily or Zain? 

STC numbers begin with 050, 053 and 055;
Mobily numbers begin with 054 and 056; and
Zain numbers start with 058 and 059.
Virgin numbers start with 057 .

Question: What are the telecom companies providing mobile phone services in Saudi Arabia?
There are three: the Saudi Telecom Company (STC), UAE-based Mobily and Zain of Kuwait.

Zain Mobile Network Helpful Codes and Services 
Zain Helpline: 959

Check Balance in Zain KSA: Call 959 or *142#

How to Know Your Zain Number: Dail *34#

How to Check Remaining internet data in Zain: "BC" and send it to 959 or dial *405#

How to Recharge Zain Mobile SIM:

Dail *141*your saudi id no or Iqama Number* recharge card number#

example: *141*23XXXXXX*5256XXXXX#

Find out How Many Zain SIM cards are registered under your name:

Simply Send an empty message to 700123

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বাংলাদেশ রেলওয়ের সিদ্ধান্ত অনুযায়ী পূর্বাঞ্চল এবং পশ্চিমাঞ্চলের দুইটি স্টেশন যথাক্রমে অ্যাডভোকেট মতিউর রহমান এবং বী.মু.সি.ই. এর নাম পরিব...